

Where is your home leaking energy?

Our energy audits assess the efficiency of your heating and cooling systems, your appliances, the effectiveness of your insulation and the air leakage rate in your house. Drafts around windows and doors, under-insulated attics and poorly sealed crawlspaces lead to air leakage rates that result in a comfort problem as well as an energy consumption problem. We have the experience, knowledge and expertise to reduce your energy bills and improve your comfort.


Air sealing is one of the most cost effective ways of improving the comfort and efficiency of a home.

Excessive air infiltration/exfiltration through small gaps and crevices wastes approximately 25% of the typical home’s heating and cooling costs.

A well-Insulated & Air Sealed Attic Results in the Best Home Energy Savings

Air leakage is caused by large ( but often unseen) holes in the attic and basement or crawlspace, floor and ceiling joints, electrical and plumbing penetrations and even small cracks and gaps around windows and doors. Collectively these leaks can have the same effect as a wide open window year-round.

Air infiltration can cause water vapor to condense inside walls and attics, making insulation wet and ineffective, eventually leading to mold and structural damage.

A combustion appliance test must be performed in homes with gas appliances ( furnaces, water heaters or stoves) whenever air sealing is performed. This is  to ensure that there is adequate air being delivered to prevent the appliance exhaust from being pulled back into the home. AHP offers combustion testing as a standard part of our air sealing work.



Attic insulation reduces heat transfer through your home’s ceiling to the outside. Attics are often the easiest place to insulate because most attics provide easy access for the installation of additional insulation. Ready access and lower installation cost often make this a very cost =effective measure. In MD attics should be insulated to R-49 (about  18″ of fiberglass).

We offer fiberglass batt,  loose fiberglass and cellulose, dense pack cellulose, rigid and spray foam, crawlspace insulation, wall insulation,  and insulation removal services.

Crawlspace sealing and insulation:

  • Is the room above your crawlspace uncomfortable?
  • Do you have mold or wood rot problems?

Dark, damp and poorly ventilated crawlspaces are breeding grounds for rot fungus, mold and mildew that eventually work their way inside the home. Crawlspace encapsulation  seals the crawlspace floor and walls with heavy mil polyurethane resulting in a dryer crawlspace and warmer floors.


Having well sealed duct-work is important for healthy indoor air quality and efficient home heating and cooling. Leaky duct work may allow conditioned air to enter attics and crawlspaces and reduce air flow to interior rooms.

Symptoms of Leaky Duct-work may include:

  • poor or no airflow from HVAC supply registers.
  • Uncomfortable hot / cold areas of the home.
  • High energy bills ( leaky ducts can result in a  loss of 30 cents on every dollar you spend  on heating and cooling )
  • Excessive humidity ( humid air pulled from outside into your home can result in condensation and comfort issues).
  • Musty odors or fume smells.
  • Excessive dust and mold ( airborne pollutants affect indoor air quality and can aggravate existing allergies and asthma problems) .